Materials for courses you taught. Replace this text with your description.
University of Amsterdam
- Digital Analytics
- Computational Communication Science II
University of Oxford
- Computer Science for Social Good
- Advanced Calculus and Real Analysis
Stanford University
- EDUC 306Y, Seminar on Education and Economic Development
- SOC 302B, Introduction to Education Data Science: Data Analysis
- EDUC 306A, Economics of Education in the Global Economy
- EDUC 200A, Introduction to Data Analysis and Interpretation
General Seminars and Workshops
- Generative AI and Education, University of Amsterdam
- Leveraging Git for Research, Stanford Graduate School of Education
- Assessing Fairness in Internet Search. Stanford Social Entrepreneurial Students’ Association
- Open-source tools for analyzing educational survey data. All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India